Zeitgeist Newsletter 004
Here is a quick run down of what's been happening in the Zeitgeist ecosystem over the last few weeks!

Hello Zeitgeist supporter!
Welcome to the fourth edition of the ZTG newsletter, and boy do we have some big news in this one. Before we get to the big news though, let's have a look at our bi-weekly TopTen…
1. The Zeitgeist Top Ten
This week's Top Ten Chart by volume highlights once again just how popular sports are for prediction markets, with numerous predictions happening around the NFL (National Football League), Soccer World Cup, and the UEFA Champions League among others.
Below is a list of the Top Five, and if you click here, you'll get the full Top Ten…
1. Who will win Super Bowl LVII? (1,896 ZTG)
Prediction: Chiefs
2. Who will win the UEFA Champions League in 2022/ 23? (426 ZTG)
Current prediction: PSG
3. Will Vladimir Putin be the leader of Russia at the end of 2023? (205 ZTG)
Current prediction: YES
4. Will ZTG be available for trading on a DEX by the end of May? (112 ZTG)
Current prediction: YES
5. Will USDC have a higher market cap than USDT at the end of Q1? (104 ZTG)
Current prediction: NO
Click here to view the full Top Ten
2. Zeitgeist Is Moving To Polkadot
Zeitgeist is delighted to announce that we will be migrating from Kusama to the Polkadot relay chain in the coming weeks. This has been a very carefully considered move for us, and not one that we take lightly.
We have always been fans of Kusama, but a combination of market dynamics (allowing for extremely affordable Polkadot Parachain Slots) and our own business ambitions caused us to seriously examine the feasibility of this move.
Zeitgeist won Polkadot’s parachain slot auction number 32 as Parathread 2092. Our bid of 37,270 DOT back in November 2022 was enough to win the auction and secure us a position as a DOT parachain until November 2024.
There has since been some dialogue surrounding a runtime error preventing us from moving ahead as fast as we wanted to, but besides that, everything is going smoothly and we expect to be a fully functional Polkadot Parachain by March 2023. We want to emphasise that this will in no way affect Zeitgeist and ZTG users, and we are doing everything in our power to ensure a smooth and incident-free migration.
Read the full announcement here
3. Zeitgeist Upgrades Runtime To v0.3.8
We've had a busy start the year, with our runtime being upgraded to v0.3.8 which includes the following improvements:
- Allow foreign assets (received via XCM) in markets
- Partially implement ZIP-0 (dispute system overhaul)
- Dynamic social card creation (when sharing markets)
- General code security and usability improvements
As a decentralized protocol, this runtime upgrade needed to be approved by governance, which indeed happened with an overwhelming majority. The runtime upgrade has now been deployed, and the app is running better than ever!
Read the full upgrade notes here
4. Super Bowl Competition
We held a competition to celebrate one of the hottest events on the sporting calendar: The NFL Super Bowl!
The team over at NFL Prediction Markets created a market for the playoffs, which was incredibly helpful in gaining insight about who the favorites were. We used this market for our competition right up until kick-off of Super Bowl LVII on 12 Feb, and gave away 5500 ZTG in total for those who participated.
We gave away 1000 ZTG each to five lucky traders who made predictions of over 100 ZTG, and 100 ZTG each to five lucky Twitter users who retweeted our post about the market.
We have contacted the Twitter winners by DM, so check those messages to see if you were one of them.
For the 1000 ZTG prizes, we are sending this out to the selected winning addresses, so check your Zeitgeist account where you made your predictions to see if you're a winner!
5. Tutorials: Buying ZTG
We have made a series of new tutorials to help those of you who want to make more predictions on our app. Our native prediction market utility token ZTG is available on two Centralized Exchanges (CEXs): MEXC and GATEio. If you want to get some more ZTG, or have never purchased any yet, then check these tutorials out and get predicting.
Note: We will of course be available on a number of Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) very soon, we're just finalizing some tech details.
That’s All Folks!
That's it for the fourth edition of the Zeitgeist newsletter. We have a lot going on, and we're more excited than ever as we grow our ecosystem.
Of course, our big move to Polkadot is the biggest news this year so far, but there's a good chance it won't be the only big announcement we have up our sleeves. ;)
As always, we appreciate all of your support, and look forward to seeing you on the app.
May your future be bright.
The Zeitgeist Team

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